A few months ago, I recorded "The Climb," which was originally performed and released by Miley Cyrus back in 2009. Although I have always appreciated this song over the years for its powerful message of resilience and faith, I feel that the inspiration to record it couldn't have come at a more perfect time in my life.
This year, I have made it my focus to have the most amazing one yet! With this mindset change, I've endured the most intense shedding of old beliefs and ways of thinking. I compare the intensity to how I would feel if I was removing harmful toxins from my body. This has all been very transformative though because having the courage to let things go that no longer serve me has allowed in so much more joy. It has cleared the way for new beliefs and thoughts, which has helped me attract unexpected opportunities and experiences over the past few months!
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and I want to open up about my experience with anxiety and self-sabotaging beliefs. I've dealt with some anxiety for most of my life, and it often stirs up self-sabotaging beliefs, even when things are going very well in my life. What I've learned is that these beliefs come from my fear of the unknown and of possibly failing as I pursue my desires and dreams. It's as if I believe this fear is protecting me somehow from the disappointment of things not turning out as expected. The truth is, all that this fear has ever done for me is lowered my self-esteem and made me doubt my own magic. That magic comes from believing in myself and keeping the faith, despite what my thoughts want to tell me.
Another reason for self-sabotaging is not always believing that I deserve to be happy.
I've told myself stories such as, "well good things don't happen to me that often," or, "this is too good to be true," and for a moment, I send myself backwards towards the old ways of thinking because it feels safer somehow. It’s as if I don’t want to fully accept or believe that, yes, amazing things really are falling into place, right before my eyes!
As soon as I recorded the very first line of "The Climb," the message hit home immediately: "I can almost see it, that dream I'm dreaming, but there's a voice inside my head saying, you'll never reach it." These familiar thoughts that are ones I know too well want to ask, "What if you don’t get what you want?" I've been able to recognize how incredibly false these thoughts are because I know how far I've come. I recognize the magic that I've created with this blog and the music I've shared over the past few years. Within me, I have what it takes to do whatever I desire, even if everything that I want hasn't all come together yet. I’ve learned to flip these thoughts and instead ask myself the more empowering question, "Well, what if you do get everything you've ever wanted?!"
The most important messages from this song are to keep going and keep the faith, despite what our thoughts want to tell us. It's always going to be an "uphill battle" and we are always going to want to control all the details of our lives. I've found though that the best way to truly live the most joyful life is to remove the worry about those details. We have to trust our "climb," and stay in the present moment, where we have the opportunity to learn so much about ourselves and show ourselves all the love. Why worry about, "what's waiting on the other side"? It only makes us more anxious. It is not a rush to the top or to the finish line. Slow and steady always wins the race, right?Â
Friends, I encourage you all to keep the faith and keep going even when your inner voice wants to tell you a different story. You are amazing and you've got this!