I am excited to share the premiere of my very first music video! I'll admit the song itself is a bit melancholy but I still feel it’s important to share, as I want to embrace more opportunities to be vulnerable, and encourage others to feel brave enough to do the same.
For those of you who are not familiar with this song, On My Own is from the Broadway Musical, Les Miserables. The character who sings this song loves a man who doesn’t love her back. He does know her, but he has already chosen another woman. She is also well aware that because she is from a lower social class than he is, they could never be together, given the context of this story. The song expresses how delusional and ridiculous she feels loving a man she knows she will never ever be with. And in knowing this truth, she feels lost, sad, and incomplete.
Have you ever liked or loved someone who didn’t feel the same way? I know I have. And you know what? It sucks! But do you know what the saving grace is? You wouldn’t want to be with someone who doesn’t have the same feelings for you as you do for them. That’s so important to recognize, because sometimes, we settle for a relationship where the feelings aren’t mutual just so we don't have to be alone.
I myself went through a breakup at the beginning of this year where I left a very toxic and controlling situation. Thankfully, I came out of it more empowered than ever, ready to focus on my own needs and on pursuing my dreams. I still have hope that I will find a great guy, even though I have my moments when I am sad about being single and overwhelmed by the loneliness that comes with it sometimes.
So, friends, I want to leave you with a glimmer of hope, that if you’re also in the same single situation as I am, it’s not over. Don’t give up! And please show yourself some love because once you truly master self-love, it will be effortless loving that special person once they come into your life. Continue to fill your joy cup!
Special shoutouts to my voice teacher, Ami, as this was a recent song I had been practicing in lessons with her, and to my cousin, Alyssa, for encouraging me to get creative with how I share my music!