I just got back from a wonderfully-relaxing vacation last week in Florida. It was exactly what I wanted and needed: lots of Vitamin D, no crazy itinerary, warm ocean water, and a comfortable breeze. I fully embraced the present moment and therapeutic environment without the usual day-to-day distractions or my constant racing thoughts. I found peace. And I kept thinking of the phrase, "You do you," because that's exactly what I was doing on my vacation.
Society tells us so often to go outside of our comfort zone or try something new or find new ways to meet people, etc. You know what I say to that? You do you. You don't owe society anything, but you do owe yourself some peace and happiness while embracing yourself. That's it.

Embrace your routine, or lack of one sometimes, and maybe even treat yo self too! Keep enjoying the things you love that help fill your joy cup. It's not unusual to hit repeat on these things because they make you who you are.
I also believe that when we embrace who we are and the things we love, our creativity sparks! We get out of our own way and make room for creativity because our minds are in a more relaxed state, in the present moment, not worrying about if we are doing enough or what others think.
Most of the time, when I write my blogs, I already have the song that inspires the blog. This time, I found a new song, and it's perfect! Apparently, I missed Jason Mraz' release of his new song last year, "You Do You," and lyrically, it's amazing and captures how important it is to stand out and be you:
I like to take my own path, never following the masses I do my thing, taking risks, taking chances I see no boundaries, no impasses To living my realized dream, keeping music fresh You do you and I'll do me Together we'll make harmony Together we'll make the world go 'round 'Round, 'round, 'round You do you and I'll do me Together we'll make harmony Together we may dance differently but it's all good.
Lyrics from You Do You Jason Mraz, from the album, Look For The Good, 2020

Not only does this song embrace being who we are, but it also suggests that when accept others as they are, we are making more harmony. That's the problem with the way things are right now. There's more division than harmony because many are deciding that they don't want to accept those who are of different opinions and beliefs. There's no joy that can be found in division.
Friends, my advice is to continue to surround yourself with good and supportive people that will let you be you. It is important that we find peace within ourselves and among others.
You do you and Shine on!